
Showing posts from February, 2010

Eliminate Noise to Reduce Stress

Stress is a fact of life that most of us have learned to accept and grown accustomed to enduring in our busy lives. But minimizing noise, an element that often compounds stress, can lead to better concentration, increased productivity and can reduce your overall stress level. There are many types of audio and visual noise that can cause distractions that break concentration and increase stress. There’s the noise of traffic and conversations when we’re walking down the street, but then there’s the subtle everyday noises of our homes and offices that can easily distract us: doors shutting, the television playing, conversations in the next cube, phones ringing, fingers tapping on the keyboard. A study conducted by Cornell University found that office workers exposed to constant noise showed physiological signs of stress, even though they did not report feeling stressed at all. Not only does the noise distract you, but it can be stressing you and you don’t even realize it. While we can’t n...

Prostate Cancer Really be Reduced with Diet and Exercise?

Men have a tendency to take care of their bodies on the outside. They go to the gym, lift weights and do various other exercises that will give them a great physique. But what do they do for their inner bodies? This may be one of the reasons that men come down with diseases that are often preventable with a little knowledge. As men, we need to do a little more research and have an understanding of what we can do to protect our inner bodies. Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in men. At firdt the symptoms of the disease are asymptomatic; for this reason it is commonly referred to as the silent killer. Prostate cancer has very few early symptoms and those such as trouble urinating or painful ejaculation are also symptoms of much less serious disease such as enlarged prostate. The function of the prostate is to close the urethra after ejection. It is also essential for ejaculation. There will be more than 200,000 cases of prostate cancer diagnosed this year that will re...

Yoga Right for You

Yoga is new lifestyle for people...that Right or no....? A lot of women perform yoga exercises not just to lose weight or maintain proper body weight but also because they want to be healthy emotionally and mentally. Yoga is also known to contribute to the decrease of a number of problems during menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause. There is research to prove this, but it’s easy to see the physical, mental, and emotional benefits evident on those women who practice yoga. Yoga Helps You Cope with a Busy Lifestyle If you are still undecided about yoga, then there are a number of things about it that will help you decide. One of these is its relevance to today’s world, even if it is one of the most ancient practices of all times. Yoga is considered as the perfect solution that helps women cope with their busy days and the resulting mental and physical stress. This is especially true if they are working moms who need to deal with the pressures of both work and home. Sitting behind a desk...

Health And Body

The health of the body was very important because would the body will be fresh and pretty was seen . However many people did not care about the health of the body on the basis of busy did not have much time and the other reason. I thought the reason only to shift attention in fact the reason actually was because lazy. In fact if we always treated the body then will be avoided from many illnesses. As we knew the illness was easy to emerge when we have forgotten the maintenance of the body for example the skin illness. Then I said treated the body so that always healthy

Anti Aging Product Ineffective and Vice Versa

Have you ever wondered why there are skin care products which are so ineffective? That no matter how regularly you apply them, following every bit of instruction prescribed on the label, it still doesn't seem to work. It can even sometimes cause you inconvenience and problems like skin irritation. Have you also ever wondered why there are some which are so unbelievably effective? That the continuous and regularly use of it really has brought up some great positive change in the consumer's skin. What is a main difference between the former and latter which drives us all curious and confused? The answer to that would be no other than the ingredients they contain. The quality of ingredients really makes a huge difference between two kinds of products, the effective and ineffective. It is just like comparing a food from a fastfood restaurant and a homemade food. The former are full of preservatives to make it last for a long time-so as not to waste money, but to gain instead. The l...

Anti-Aging Facial Protocol Using Glycolic Acid

Before beginning any skin care regimen, please consult with your doctor. The goal of the anti-aging facial is to keep at bay future aging (non-surgical results) and, to help correct past damage to the superficial tissues of the epidermis. Intrinsic factors such as: hereditary disposition (genetics) play a big role in overall skin health. Extrinsic hazards like medication(s)/drug(s) use/ or abuse; tobacco/alcohol use/abuse; hormonal fluctuations and SUN exposure can all wreak havoc on the skin. The SUN is the worst culprit. The Integumentary System (skin) is the largest system of the body and encapsulates every other system and organ of the body. Without it we would resemble something out of a horror film..."THE BLOB." There are six (6) functions of the skin: Absorption; Temperature regulation; Excretion; Secretion; Protection; Sensory. Due to its multiple functions, the skin is our first line of defense and should be treated with the utmost of respect. Follow these instructio...

Purchasing an Anti Aging Cream

When we decide on purchasing something that is a little bit pricy, we first tend to weigh the pros and cons of buying that product. One of the possible pros would be the price of the product. If it is cheaper, then it is more probable that we buy it because it slashes a small portion of our budget. Sometimes, as we get attracted to the strong pull of cheap products, we forget to check the quality of the candidate product to purchase. That should not be the case because before we know it, the price has always been based on the quality of most products. That goes just the same with anti aging face cream and other skin care products. The quality of ingredients should be an important consideration especially that this product is going to be applied on one of the most delicate parts of the face. What's best to do to make sure you get what you deserve is to carefully read the ingredients of the products you might be thinking of purchasing. Sometimes it is not indicated whether the produc...

Prevent the Loss of Collagen Naturally

As you age, your body will naturally produce less and less collagen and elastin, which leads to wrinkles, sagging skin and a tired looking face. If you are ever tempted by a brand name product because they advertise their new cream as having the "miracle" ingredient Collagen in it, know that they are dead wrong! My biggest annoyance with the skin care industry is the marketing and flat out lies they spin to get us to buy their products. The biggest of which is collagen. When a product has collagen as its active ingredient, you know not to trust that company again. The reason why is that it is very similar to oil and water. It cannot be absorbed into the skin because the molecules are too big to allow any penetration. Collagen is completely ineffective when applied topically and you have been duped by this in the past, at least now you know the truth! There are, however, a few natural ways to prevent the loss of collagen in your skin. For example: Avoiding over exposure to UV ...


Longevity or anti-aging technologies are more sophisticated than you could possibly imagine, but do they work? Whether long life is worth pursuing as a lifestyle strategy is up to you. These technologies look for methods to slow or stop aging and, if possible, repair present age induced damage. Typical life expectancy was 25 years or less throughout most of history for human beings. No prehistoric remains have been recovered from people older than 50. After all, people used nearly all of their time living as hunters in Stone Age circumstances, without modern medicine and no giant scale environmental upgrading. In addition to these harsh environmental conditions, with little exceptions, wars, malnourishment or infection ended lives before any of the symptoms of old age (such as graying of the hair, wrinkling of the skin, shortened memory, decreased strength, and reduced vision sharpness) appeared. With the development of civilization individuals learned to regulate their environment plu...