Wrinkles - Cause and Remedy

by: Dr.WaldoSilverstein

Dry skin which is prone to flaking is not attractive and lack of moisture in the skin is also a major cause of wrinkles. To keep your skin cells plumped up, you should make sure your body is sufficiently hydrated every day. You need to moisturize inside and out, in order to avoid wrinkles. Drink plenty water.
So, it is very important to drink a significant amount of water every day. Generally, the warmer it is, or the more active you are, the more water your body needs to replenish. There is no harm in drinking 8 - 10 glasses of water every day. Once you begin this regiment, you will see many other benefits in other facets of your life and health.

Smoking is another factor in increasing the likelihood of a person having premature wrinkles and deep-set wrinkles. Smoking decreases blood flow to the skin, and reduces the oxygen in the blood. Without sufficient oxygen and essential nutrients the skin wrinkles. The skin's elasticity is diminished and the skin sags and wrinkles. The skin no longer has enough life to spring back and deep furrows become noticable.

The skin's elastin and collagen fibers, which provides the foundation for the surface layers, weakens and unravels. Smoking reduces the level of estrogen in women and this also causes dryness and destruction of skin tissues. Smoking also attacks the skin's ability to fight off free-radicals that are in tobacco smoke.

The number one cause of wrinkles and blemishes is the sun. It is imperative that you wear sunscreen with spf of at least 45. It is important that you wear some spf protection daily even if you are indoors because your skin is not immune from photo damage emitted by the very bright lights that are used in offices and department stores.

One popular remedy for eliminating wrinkles is botox and collagen injections. Collagen is a plumping agent removes wrinkles and restores a youthful appearance. Botox treatment for wrinkles involves a form of botulism (yes, a toxic) injected to a particular area. Those areas are often the forehead, around the eyes, and the cheeks, to paralyze the muscles that cause wrinkles.

As early as 30, you already need products that will help delay your skin's aging process. However, since there are many anti-aging creams in the market, you need to carefully choose the products that you put on your face. It would really help if you choose an anti-aging cream that is all-natural and hypoallergenic.

The natural approach is frequently preferred by many, without scars and less pain. Awesome results have been achieved with many over the counter anti-wrinkle treatments so it is entirely up to you. You have aggressive options like botox or collagen injections, or face peels, or great over-the-counter anti-aging skin products. There are many great products available and also several wrinkle treatment free trial offers available online.

About the Author
Free help for face wrinkles and fine lines that affect your appearance. Get a free trial of great products that are better than Botox at eliminating deep wrinkles and embarrassing laugh lines.


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