
Showing posts from January, 2009

Los Angeles Designer Clothing

Want to freely pick out designer clothing in a large variety of selections? Do you currently reside in the area of California? Stop by at Shop Heist clothing boutique. At our boutique we have numerous amounts of designer clothing ranging from hard to find Italian designers (Ter Et Bantine, Goldengoose, Faliero Sarti, Bruno Manetti, and Beatrez) as well as our favorite label from Holland, Humanoid. Our designer clothing from New York and Los Angeles include Hanii Y, Helmut Lang, Lauren Merkin, Nicholas K, Nili Lotan, Rag & Bone, Shelly Litvak and Vince. Our California Clothing Boutique is like none other, top brand fashion designers at an unbelievable price with a guarantee of a look you have been searching for. Your hunger for fashion clothing in Los Angeles will come to an end once you step into Shopheist boutique or by visiting us on our website Shopping trough Shopheist, you can tell the difference between designer-name fashions and brand name fashion styles. ...

Replica Handbags: Why Buy?

Are you interested in buying a replica handbag but are a bit apprehensive about finishing the process? If so, you should realize that there are many benefits of buying a replica handbag. In other words, this is not something that you should be scared of. Sure, you still have to spend money, but in the end you will be taking advantage of many benefits. In fact, you may end up enjoying replica handbags so much that you never purchase another authentic one for the rest of your life. Here are four reasons to buy a replica handbag: 1. They are cheaper than those that are authentic. This is something to consider if you are on a budget, or want to save money for other fashion accessories. 2. Most replica handbags have the same quality as authentic ones. This may not always be the case, but most people cannot tell the difference between the two. 3. They work the same. Although many people carry handbags as a fashion statement, when it comes down to it you are looking for functionality as well....

Steps for Buying a Replica Handbag

Buying a replica handbag is supposed to be fun. To ensure that you make the right decision you will want to know which steps to take when shopping for a handbag. There is not much that goes into this process, but if you know the right steps you will be able to quickly and efficiently shop at several stores until you find the right option. The first step in buying a replica handbag is locating an online store that suits your needs. There are many of these estores available, so make sure you check out more than one. It is safe to say that one store of the next will stick out in your mind as being the best option. As you move forward, the next step is to browse all of the replica handbags that are being offered for sale. Remember, you will find many replica brands including popular ones such as Coach, Chanel, Fendi, Burberry, BCBG, Marc Jacobs, Prada, and Valentino among many others. Which brand are you going to choose? Finally, make a decision on how much you want to spend on a replica h...

Buying a Diamond Ring: Be sure to Shop Around

Are you in the market for a diamond ring? If so, you know that this is a big purchase. Even if you aren’t going to spend a lot, it is safe to say that you are still interested in getting the best possible deal. Although there is a lot that goes into the shopping process, any consumer can make the right decision by comparison shopping. There are many stores at which you can buy diamond rings, as well as online outlets that offer great deals. What should you be looking for when shopping for diamond rings? Generally speaking, you should keep the four C’s in mind: carat, cut, color, and clarity. With these four details you will find it easy to locate the best diamond ring for your budget. While the four C’s are very important, most consumers need to shop by price at the same time. Yes, you want to get a beautiful diamond ring, but only if you can afford it. It is important to know that the four C’s will affect the price of a diamond ring. For instance, more carats means a bigger rock. And ...

Shopping for Baby - The When, Where and How of Baby Gifts & Baby Clothes

As soon as you have a confirmed pregnancy and have made it past the risky weeks (you're typically good to go by the second trimester, unless something unexpected pops up, or there is a medical issue that is suddenly detected or diagnosed), you should begin considering what kind of baby clothes and baby furniture you will want for your baby. When it comes to baby furniture, there are a few essentials you'll need to purchase. First, where will your baby sleep? Many mothers, especially breastfeeding mothers, will co-sleep for the first several weeks or even months, but eventually baby is going to need a bed of his own. Cradles, bassinets and moses baskets are a nice choice, but as soon as your infant is lifting his head or rolling over, you'll need to upgrade to something safer. Playpens are fine for traveling and day trips, but for a comfortable sleeping area that will grow with your baby, consider a standard crib. Many convert into toddler beds, and some even convert into da...

Winter Skin

Winter Skin The clocks are going back which is a signal that winter is on its way. Although we’re fans certain things about winter; the big comfy jumpers that cover a multitude of sins, the whole Christmas thing, the hope of a tiny bit of snow so we can at least chuck one snowball - we’re not fans of the effect that winter has on our skin. Winter skin is typically dry, flaky and dull. Not exactly our favourite combination of words. So what to do, we can’t battle nature can we? Well actually, we can put up a pretty good fight, particularly because certain things we’re doing are probably making the problem worse! Follow these simple guidelines and give your skin a head start this winter. 1. Sun Protection Not the most obvious piece of advice but an essential one. Just because its winter doesn’t mean that the sun’s damaging rays can’t get to you. In fact, a big mistake that many people make over the winter months is to ditch the SPF. Use an SPF during winter and your skin will thank you b...

Is Men's Designer Clothing IN For Troubled Times?

This winter top menswear designers are going for a fusion of hip and practical. Maybe it's the onset of global economic meltdown - by tailoring to ward off winter colds and increase your working productivity, the designers may have saved the lads' bacon. A high collar means your neck stays warmed against harsh easterly winds blowing down from Siberia, while off-centred zips keep you looking fresh and full of purpose. As usual, the trend starts at the top of the fashion tree: mens designer clothing names like D&G, Versace, Prada, Lang and co. have all brought out their own hi-falutin versions of this type. Filtering down the line, the best High Street men's fashion clothing designers have picked up the vibe - Bench clothing, G-star jeans, Henleys, Superdry and the rest. And all these designer clothes for men have come from the same basic idea: variations on a theme of look sharp, work hard. But this isn't just luck. Historically, fashion has always followed economy. ...

Hair Disasters

We’ve all had them, those moments where you realise your hair looks horrific and there’s probably nothing you can do. We resign ourselves to wearing a hat forever. Never fear though, for many of the most common hair disasters there are simple solutions that can often reverse the problem or at least repair it. Here is our guide to the most common hair disasters and how to rectify them: 1. Bad Blonde If you’ve dyed your hair at home, there is always the risk that it will go wrong. This is particularly true of those who are attempting to bleach their hair at home with the common problem of that nasty gold colour that appears instead of the champagne blonde you were after. The most common mistake that people make is the initial colour choice. If you don’t want a golden hue to your locks, choose a colour that is described as Ash, this will limited warm tones in your hair. If it is too late for that and you’re living with a golden barnet that you don’t want to show anyone, use a simple toner...

Cinderella Syndrome: Shoe Fanaticism Today

In the 21st Century fandom exists in all shapes and sizes. There are groups devoted to everything, from Ford Mondeos to Poodles to music released only on unplayable formats. Indeed, the fandom of shoes is nothing new. Admissions of Shoeaholism have become as everyday as Carrie Bradshaw’s indecisiveness but in recent months a number of news stories have brought to my attention the notion that there may well be many specific different types of Shoeaholic. The first type of shoeaholic to acknowledge is the classic ‘hoarder’. I would suppose that ‘hoarders’ make up the majority of shoeaholics and beside owning hundreds of shoes, they are also known to have an extensive, dare I say, encyclopaedic amount of knowledge when it comes to footwear. They are also known to have a physical bodily reaction when certain names are mentioned. For example, mutter Louboutin or Balenciaga in the presence of a ‘hoarder’ and they are likely to slump to the floor only to be revived by a splash of cold water t...

Jewellery in Other Cultures

In Britain today it is typical to associate jewellery with special occasions such as weddings, gifts given to a person of importance, or as a symbol of belonging such as a cross worn around the neck. In other cultures however jewellery can be used in different ways and types of gems and stones can be regarded quite differently. Historically, the first culture to make jewellery were the Chinese around 5000 years ago. Silver was more popular than gold and Jade was their favourite stone. The Chinese initially wore jewellery in order to display their wealth but later early tiara type pieces were worn by women to add to their beauty. At the same time in Central and South America gold was much easier to find. Jewellery from this area was incredibly ornate however and included the combined use of gold with mother of pearl and amethyst inlayed. The Mayan civilization also used precious gems as a form of currency, whilst the Aztecs used jewellery and jewel-covered tools such as daggers during s...

Clothing shopping

Clothing with writing on, logos, ripped bits, any sort of 'worn' styling, too flared, too tight, too baggy, I can't stand. I like stuff that fits slightly more tightly than regular and neutral colors. I don't like making statements through what I wear, except understatements, if you know what I mean. It doesn't help either that I don't like shopping on the high street. It's busy man. Real bustling, noisy, hot and bothered busy on those streets. And once you get into the shops it's even busier, noisier and nastier than outside. Every time I try and buy even a pack of socks more often than not I'll bail out amidst the cacophony of modern 21st Century consumerism and head home for the tranquility and peacefulness of shopping for clothes online. Once I even went into a clothes shop to get measured then went home and ordered a pair of jeans online from the same company that measured me, because I just didn't have the time or inclination to queue among...

How to please your girlfriend, wife or lover

My cousin who I hardly see maybe about once a year wants jewellery from me for her sixteenth birthday. We’ve got a quirky little relationship. Unlike my sister, who I’ve been at war with since she was born, the dynamic with my younger cousin is more affable. We get on. I’d never get my sister jewellery – far too weird. But somehow for a cousin like her, it feels both big brotherly and friendly. So I’m working through mental pictures to try and remember what kind of jewellery she wears, as I figure there could be some sort of theme, colour, and material concurrent to her tastes. Or are they just random? Would anything do? Buying jewellery I am discovering takes considerable time and mental effort, not to mention empathy (or is it sympathy?) and some other types of emotional engagement that I do not know the words for. Ok, so a diamond ring might be a bit too much, but then again I don’t want to just get some plain accessories. A bracelet perhaps? A sparkly bracelet? I’m trying to think ...

Prolong your mattresses life

If you have just bought a new mattress or want to prolong the life your current one, then maybe you should think about getting a mattress protector. Fundamentally a mattress protector is a cover that goes on the sleeping side of your mattress and protects the mattress from stains, excessive wear and tear and can also be hypoallergenic and resistant to dust mites. Some people also suffer from incontinence, and a mattress protector can help with this issue. Contrary to popular belief, it's not just children that "wet the bed", it also happens to the older generation and also research has discovered that 9% of all adult males in the UK suffer from some form of incontinence. A mattress protector can help with this as you can get waterproof and stain proof protectors, and you can easily remove the protector and put it in the wash meaning that you wont damage your mattress. There are in excess of 13 million people in the UK alone who suffer from some form of allergy, including ...

The Key to a Perfect Pair of Ladies Boots

Boots have a long, illustrious history, and really became popular with both sexes during the Victorian era. Ankle length boots without a heel (known as high-lows) were fashionable for women, and by the mid 1800's, the boot was the most popular form of footwear, crossing social divides as well as being adopted by both men and women. As time went on, the boot developed into an important fashion item, cycling in popularity. During the 1960's, boots again became fashionable, but fell out of favour during the 1980's and 1990's. Today, the cycle has turned again, and boots, particularly knee-length designs, are one of the high street's best sellers. The perfect pair of boots for a woman takes into account a number of factors, but comfort will always be of primary importance. Not only should the perfect pair of boots look good, they should fit properly too. This doesn't just mean around the foot, but, depending on the length, around the lower leg as well. Because the t...

The Perfect Gift for Female Physicians, Physician Assistants & Nurse Practitioners

A Delayed but Welcomed Response After virtually ignoring the growing number of female healthcare professionals who are increasingly making their mark in many medical practices over the last few years, a few uniform suppliers have introduced lab coats and scrubs tailored specifically for female clinicians (Physicians, Physician Assistants and Nurse Practitioners). The softer lines and tailored silhouette flatter the female figure, while the classic styling still distinguishes these clinicians from other healthcare professionals. Advancements in Fit, Finish and Function Some of the more innovative uniform manufactures are sizing their lab coats and scrubs using standard women’s apparel sizing as opposed to the typical (XS-XXXL) sizing typically found in most unisex lab coats and scrubs, enabling a more tailored fit. Instead of using poor quality fabrics that don’t feel good against the skin, pill and fade after a few washings, the best of these “clinician” style lab coats and scr...

How to Use Rhinestone Buttons

There are many ways to use rhinestone buttons. If you have never considered what these can do for you, in a variety of circumstances, you are making a big mistake. No matter who you are there is a very good chance that you have come across items decorated with rhinestone buttons in the past. And if you are creative enough you may be able to use these to your advantage in the future. Here are three ways you can use rhinestone buttons: 1. On clothing. Are you looking for a way to spice up your clothes? If so, adding a few rhinestone buttons here and there is a great idea. Not only can you do this with new clothes, but you can transform old items with these buttons as well. 2. Fabric in your home. With rhinestone buttons you can spruce up a wide variety of decorations in your home. For instance, how would your curtains look if they were outlined in rhinestone buttons? How about those pot holders that you use everyday? Consider adding rhinestone buttons to update the look and feel of your ...

Choosing the Right Rhinestone Buttons

Do you know how to choose the right rhinestone buttons? If you are adding flair to your clothes or decorating your home with these pieces you need to know what you are doing. After all, with so many different types of rhinestone buttons you should be able to find the ones that are perfect for your needs. Here are three things to keep in mind when choosing rhinestone buttons: 1. Size. Rhinestone buttons come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Make sure that you search around for the ones that will best fit your project. If you need small rhinestone buttons you should shop around until you find those that are perfect; the same goes if you need larger buttons. 2. Color. Rhinestone buttons are available in many different colors. Chances are that you have a color in mind no matter what project you are starting. The most popular color is a transparent-crystal and this may or may not suit your needs. Become familiar with all the colors of rhinestone buttons and you will find that you enjoy the...

Get Creative with Appliques

If you have used appliqués in the past you know just how much fun they can be. Not to mention the fact that the proper placement can go a long way in taking any fabric to the next level. Many people use appliqués to spice up items in their home such as potholders, curtains, placemats and much more. To go along with this, designers also use appliqués on shirts, dresses, jackets, sweaters and other clothing items. Do you have what it takes to use appliqués to your advantage? If not, don’t worry. Even if you are not creative right now once you get involved with appliqués and realize what they offer you will be well on your way. The best way to get creative with appliqués is through trial and error. In other words, the first design you come up with may not look that great. But as you try more and more ideas you will begin to see what looks good, what looks bad, and how to move forward as creatively as possible. Be sure to take cues from others when you first get involved with appli...

How to really be sexy in lingerie

I remember my first, and last, lingerie party with one of the largest acceptable sex shop outlets. A friend of a friend (isn't it always the way), was working for them, and a large gaggle of girls congregated at someone's house to giggle over vibrators and try on sexy corsets. It was the games which annoyed me. I remember one which involved holding a piece of paper on your head, and trying to draw a penis onto a man. I may be prejudiced as I've always hated party games, but this seemed so juvenile, and the antithesis to being grown-up and buying sexy lingerie. Only such events are never about maturity. My excuse for even having been to one of these parties was I was sixteen at the time. I can't imagine going to one if you're not a teenager, but I know lots of women do. Maybe they're supposed to be liberating, but sniggering over strap-ons is not liberating. I could possibly have forgiven all of this had the underwear I ordered (yes I know – but after a few dri...

How to host your own lingerie party

There are many reasons for having a lingerie party. Firstly, it is a convenient excuse to spend a self-indulgent amount of time deciding on what style, type, and colour of lingerie to add to your collection – but without having to trawl the shops on a busy drizzling Saturday evening (and ending up with something you only half wanted). Additionally, a lingerie party can be a good excuse to have a laugh, an opportunity to catch up with the girls, and it can be a comfortable and light-hearted way to making that all-important lingerie-related decision. So how do you host your own lingerie party? After you’ve decided which shop or company to host your party through, and you’ve established yourself a lingerie consultant, it’s time to start the fun stuff and get planning. A good place to start is to decide on who you are going to invite. The first thing to remember is to be sure that yourself, and those you invite, are comfortable. So do you want to invite your close friends? Do you w...

Mens Jewelry; It’s Not Just for Weddings Anymore!

If you haven’t noticed, the jewelry market has been on the warpath over the last few years. It’s not just rock stars, athletes or severely image conscious men who have been sporting jewelry, it’s your every day men who are looking for a little style to spice up their attire. It’s men like the Tuttles. Yes, you see them on television but no; they are not your average television stars. They have their own successful exclusive OCC line of titanium rings, bracelets and necklaces that look as stylish and futuristic as their motorcycles do. This is hands down proof that the average man is looking to enhance their style with this new wave of men’s jewelry. Gone are the days of being restricted to simple, gold or white goal rings with little adventure in shape and excitement. We’ve reached a new era where you can get exciting designs with brilliant colors in time tested titanium or tungsten metal alloys that will withstand the abuse an active man will put it th...

How To Choose The Right Jewelry

Choosing the right jewelry is very important because, if your jewelry is wrong, you're going to regret the purchase. That is definitely not something you want to have to contend with. As a matter of fact, no one wants to have to look at a piece of jewelry they absolutely hate. They don't want to have to live with that regret. Sure, they can always replace that wrong piece of jewelry, but the truth is that replacing a certain piece of jewelry is not always possible. Sometimes it has some sort of meaning behind it. If it does have a certain meaning behind it, then having the wrong piece of jewelry means that meaning behind it is somewhat tainted. So how do you choose the right jewelry? Well first, you have to choose the right company. In this case we're talking about an online company because the Internet is going to present you with more jewelry options than walking into a jewelry store. You're going to be able to pick out whatever you want on the Internet. What's ev...

Hunting & Gathering & The Online Shopper

According to Nielsen/NetRatings, Goldman, Sachs & Co. and Harris Interactive, one of the top reasons why consumers prefer to shop the web these days is the wider selection of products available. 26% percent of respondents cited this as the reason they forego shopping in the brick and mortar stores of their respective towns and cities. I think this is particularly true of the international online shopper. We are continuously told by our international customers from Europe, Australia and New Zealand, in particular, that the variety and selection of apparel and accessories available to them locally, in their country of origin, is paltry in comparison with the goods they can "source" from American e-tailers. This global marketplace is one of the reasons why eBay has been so hugely profitable since its launch. According to Nielsen/NetRatings, 10% of the time Brits spend online, is spent on eBay. However, the global marketplace is rapidly evolving and shopping online is much mo...

Savvy Shoppers Abandon Their Cars and "Park" Themselves in Front of Their Computers Instead

Savvy Shoppers, the ones with both a discriminating eye and those who are price conscious, shop online these days. There are many reasons why a shopper will choose to "park" herself in front of her computer rather than brave the crowded parking lots of the nearby mall. But, according to Nielsen/NetRatings, Goldman, Sachs & Co. and Harris Interactive, the top reason is to avoid crowds, a reason cited by 38% of respondents in a recent study. Case in point, I have a couple of lipstick colors that I repeatedly wear from my favorite cosmetic company. And, my "nearby mall" is very nearby, just down the hill, only 2 minutes away. I decided last weekend that I could hop down to my preferred department store and replenish my lipsticks faster than I could buy them online. So, even though I am an avid online shopper I made the decision to hop in my car and brave the parking lots at the mall. BIG mistake. (*groan*) First, it took me at least 7 turns through the parking lot ...

Jeeper Creepers! Feast Your Peepers On These Radioactive Threads!

It is sometimes tempting to think of the history of fashion in terms of distinct units of decades, with a new era being ushered in with the drop of the ball in Times Square on New Years day of the first year of a new decade. However, this thinking tends to cloud the broad sweep of history, which takes shape as it unfolds from the trends and events of the past. No discussion of the world of fashion in the 1950’s would be complete without examining the profound impact World War II had on the industry. Europe and North America had traditionally looked to Paris, the international capitol of fashion, for stylistic inspiration and guidance in this realm but with the German invasion of Paris, this link was severed and designers and manufacturers in the rest of the world were forced to rely on domestic talent. There was also a shortage of fabrics and trimmings used in clothing during the war, and rationing systems that regulated the quantity of clothing, which could be purchased, were introd...